Encyclopaideia: Vol 23, No 55 (2019)

sabato, 4 Gennaio, 2020

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Encyclopaideia #55 is now online!

You can read or download it here.

Schermata 2019-05-13 alle 17.55.14


Table of Contents


Ha ancora senso la fenomenologia? Considerazioni di uno psichiatra
Eugenio Borgna

Explorations in Teaching the Phenomenological Method: Challenging Psychology Students to «Grasp at Meaning» in Human Science Research
Scott D. Churchill

New Lived Spaces in the Post-industrial World: The Sound of Colors by Jimmy Liao
Leonor Ruiz-Guerrero

The Bioecological Model as a Perspective to Interpret Foreign-born Students’ Early School Leaving: a Multifactorial Approach
Caterina Bembich

“Were You a Monster Today?” Making Assessments with Families: Thoughts and Practices
Silvio Premoli, Andrea Prandin

Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Representation of Disability within the School Textbook
Fabio Filosofi, Paola Venuti


Fenomenologia del dono (a cura di C. Brentari), Morcelliana, Brescia 2018, ISBN 9788828400271, 160 pagine, 2018
Antonella Lo Sardo






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