Posts Tagged ‘ emanuele caminada ’

Husserl’s Ethics in the Global Context: the Kaizo Articles and UNESCO

domenica, 17 Settembre, 2023
Husserl’s Ethics in the Global Context: the Kaizo Articles and UNESCO

                                                                                  The Kaizo Articles Centenary Conference II (Louvain, September 11-13, 2023) has successfully ended in…

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Workshop Phenomenology Today, Unisr – Emanuele Caminada, 26 maggio 2021

venerdì, 21 Maggio, 2021

Workshop Phenomenology Today Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano PERSONA – Centro di ricerca in fenomenologia e scienze della persona   Ontologie del mondo della vita – Husserl, Levy-Bruhl e il relativismo culturale Emanuele Caminada  (KU Leuven) Nel 1935, mentre Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) lavorava ai testi dei suoi congressi di Vienna e Praga, Levy Bruhl…

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Special Issue of “Phenomenological Reviews” – Giovanni Piana. In memoriam

giovedì, 31 Dicembre, 2020

Giovanni Piana. In memoriam Special issue of Phenomenological Reviews edited by Emanuele Caminada and Michela Summa   Abstract Giovanni Piana (1940-2019) leaves us an important body of work in the fields of phenomenology, aesthetics, and philosophy of music. Piana’s work is characterized by his ‘structuralist’ understanding of phenomenology. Such an understanding is not meant as…

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lunedì, 11 Novembre, 2019

Special Issue in memory of Giovanni Piana edited by Emanuele Caminada & Michela Summa (Deadline December 31, 2019) Click here to download the CFP and here for more details The complete works of Giovanni Piana are available here at his online archives

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Philosophical Anthropology as an Historical & Systematic Interdisciplinary Praxis

lunedì, 4 Novembre, 2019
Philosophical Anthropology as an Historical & Systematic Interdisciplinary Praxis

International Conference, 6-9 October University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923, Cologne In Cooperation with the Hartmann, Plessner, and Scheler Societies Click here to download the program

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La philosophie sociale de Max Scheler. Congrès de la Max-Scheler Gesellschaft (3-5 octobre 2019, SORBONNE UNIVERSITE)

domenica, 22 Settembre, 2019
La philosophie sociale de Max Scheler. Congrès de la Max-Scheler Gesellschaft (3-5 octobre 2019, SORBONNE UNIVERSITE)

Click here to download the program Atelier international de jeunes chercheurs   La philosophie sociale de Max Scheler. Congrès de la Max-Scheler Gesellschaft Avec le soutien de l’Université Franco-allemande, en coopération avec Sorbonne Université, les archives Husserl, la Bergische Universität Wuppertal, la Max-Scheler-Gesellschaft, le groupe de recherche sur la culture de Weimar et l’UMR Sirice.   3 > 5…

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Emanuele Caminada (KU Leuven): 12-13 Giugno, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele

domenica, 9 Giugno, 2019

Program Erasmus Plus Teaching Mobility June 2019 Invited Teacher: Emanuele Caminada, KU Leuven  Ontologie del mondo della vita: Lebenswelt, lifeworlds & ontological turn.   Contesto storico, scientifico ed epistemologico del termine Lebenswelt   Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele – Aula Catone (DIBIT 1) Mercoledì 12 Giugno 2019 ore 11:00 – 16:00 Giovedì 13 Giugno 2019 ore 9:00 – 11:00 e ore 14:00 – 16:00 12 Giugno:…

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Workshop Phenomenology Today, 2019 – Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milano)

lunedì, 25 Febbraio, 2019
Workshop Phenomenology Today, 2019 – Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milano)

  13 marzo (ore 14-16) Seminario didattico, Facoltà di Filosofia, Unisr Sara Heinämaa (University of Jyväskylä, Academy of Finland) Constitutive, Prescriptive or Ideal? On the Ambiguity of the Term “Norm”   28 marzo (ore 14-16) Seminario co-organizzato dai centri di ricerca PERSONA e CeSEP Andrea Staiti (Università di Parma) Libertà del volere e motivazione: il…

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Husserl Archives (Leuven) – Newsletter signed by the Director

martedì, 5 Febbraio, 2019

We are proud to be among the friends of the Husserl Archives at the University of Leuven, and pleased to publish the newsletter signed by Professor Julia Jansen, whose first year as Director of the Archives ends with an impressive profusion of new publications and projects, and quite particularly the “Digital Husserl”, a very generous…

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Il nuovo numero di “Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy” è online!

venerdì, 11 Dicembre, 2015

Volentieri segnaliamo la pubblicazione del nuovo numero di Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy. Qui di seguito l’indice dei contenuti. Supervenience and the Theory of Experience Emanuele Caminada, Michela Summa Invited Articles A Dilemma for Anomalous Monism Brian P. McLaughlin Phenomenological Ontology and Supervenience Andrea Zhok Mereological Foundation vs. Supervenience? Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl Supervenience and…

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logia-sociale-2/">Ontologia Sociale

concept cloud

Altiero Spinelli Andrea Zhok bianca bellini Canone Europeo dan zahavi edith stein edmund husserl elena cattaneo emanuele caminada europa fenomenologia francesca de vecchi Francesca Forle Giacomo Costa Giovanni Piana guido cusinato Il Fatto quotidiano Immanuel Kant Jeanne Hersch John Searle libertà e giustizia martin heidegger Massimo Cacciari maurizio ferraris maurizio olivieri max scheler michele di francesco paolo di lucia paolo spinicci persona Phenomenology and Mind roberta de monticelli roberta guccinelli Roberta Sala roberto mordacci Shaun Gallagher Simone Weil stefano cardini Unione Europea università degli studi di milano università vita-salute san raffaele Università Vita-Salute San Raffalele Vincenzo Costa vittorio gallese Winter School Milano