
THE GIFT OF BONDS – just out!

martedì, 3 Settembre, 2024
THE GIFT OF BONDS – just out!

Why one more book on Phenomenology in this time of tragedy and normalization of genocides and unlimited wars? Because I take Husserl’s Phenomenology to be, from its very inception, the most neglected, misunderstood, and yet indispensable Neo-Enlightenment Program for Late Modernity. Completed through the horrors suffered during WWI and the rise of nazism, it is …

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Encyclopaideia – Journal of Phenomenology and Education – Vol. 26 No. 64 (2022) Published: 2022-12-21

venerdì, 23 Dicembre, 2022

E’ online l’ultimo numero di Encyclopaideia – Journal of Phenomenology and Education.  Per accedervi, cliccare qui: Editorial Towards a pedagogy of imagination Marco Dallari I-III Essays Traveling, “Drive my Soul”. Shared Narratives and Restitutions of Meaning Luana Di Profio 1-13 A Phenomenological Account of School Education. Learning Experience as an Opportunity for the Integral…

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Ciclo di seminari “Persone e corpi” Unisr – Valeria Bizzari – 6 giugno 2022

lunedì, 30 Maggio, 2022

Ciclo di seminari “Persone e corpi” Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Facoltà di Filosofia Palazzo Arese-Borromeo – Cesano Maderno   Lunedì 6 giugno 2022 14:00 – 16:00 Seminario in presenza e online Aula 2 Valeria Bizzari (KU Leuven) Sviluppo del sé e della socialità nell’autismo ad alto funzionamento. Una proposta musicale Abstract In questa prima parte…

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Extended deadline – CFP “The True, the Valid and the Normative” SRSP 2022

venerdì, 20 Maggio, 2022

The True, the Valid and the Normative San Raffaele School of Philosophy 2022 September 20th–22nd, 2022 Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan Faculty of Philosophy Palazzo Arese-Borromeo – Cesano Maderno Accepted papers will be published in a Special Issue of Phenomenology and Mind. Extended deadline for submissions: June 15th, 2022 Invited speakers  Pedro Alves (University of Lisbon) Roberta De Monticelli (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University) Anna Donise…

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International Research Workshop “Phenomenology of values and personal identity” – Unisr – December 2nd-3rd, 2021

martedì, 30 Novembre, 2021
International Research Workshop  “Phenomenology of values and personal identity” – Unisr – December 2nd-3rd, 2021

Research Center PERSONA, San Raffaele University, Milan Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen with the sponsorship of the International Research Centre for European Culture and Politics (IRCECP), San Raffaele University, Milan organize the International Research Workshop Phenomenology of values and personal identity Palazzo Arese Borromeo, Cesano Maderno December 2nd – 3rd, 2021 LIVE STREAMING…

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Mind, Language, and the First-Person Perspective

lunedì, 27 Settembre, 2021

Read here the full description of the topics: 2021 San Raffaele School of Philosophy organized within the “The Mark of the Mental” PRIN Project September 28-30, 2021 ​Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Palazzo Arese-Borromeo – Aula 7 Via Borromeo 41, 20811 Cesano Maderno MB, Italy Program (P: in-person, O: online) September 28, 2021  9:30am-6:50pm (GMT+2)…

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ANNULLATO Workshop “Phenomenology Today”. L’esperienza del dolore. Modelli filosofici a confronto – Luca Vanzago – 12 maggio 2021

lunedì, 10 Maggio, 2021

Siamo spiacenti di comunicare che il seminario del professor Luca Vanzago nell’ambito del Workshop “Phenomenology Today” è per il momento annullato. Provvederemo a dare notizia di un eventuale rinvio ad altra data.   Workshop Phenomenology Today Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano PERSONA – Centro di ricerca in fenomenologia e scienze della persona   L’esperienza…

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Workshop Phenomenology Today – Ali Yousefi Heris – April 29th, 2021

lunedì, 26 Aprile, 2021

Workshop Phenomenology Today Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan PERSONA – Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person     Folk and Scientific Emotion Categories Ali Yousefi Heris  (School of Cognitive Science Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences – IPM)   According to the basic emotion theory (BET), certain emotions are orga-nized into…

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The International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics

venerdì, 23 Aprile, 2021
The International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics

The International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics is a research centre founded in 2021 by Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis), Claudio Paolucci (University of Bologna), Vittorio Gallese (University of Parma), Lambros Malafouris (University of Oxford), Daniel D. Hutto (University of Wollongong), Catherine Legg (Deakin University), and Fausto Caruana (CNR, Italy). The Centre is currently…

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Workshop Phenomenology Today – Unisr Centro Persona – Seminario Giulia Piredda, 8 aprile 2021

venerdì, 2 Aprile, 2021
Workshop Phenomenology Today – Unisr Centro Persona – Seminario Giulia Piredda, 8 aprile 2021

Workshop Phenomenology Today Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan PERSONA – Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person   Situated affectivity: a guide for the perplexed Giulia Piredda  (IUSS Pavia) In this talk I will guide the hearer through “situated affectivity”, a small galaxy of theories, ideas, intuitions which are recently growing at…

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logia-sociale-2/">Ontologia Sociale

concept cloud

Altiero Spinelli Andrea Zhok bianca bellini Canone Europeo dan zahavi edith stein edmund husserl elena cattaneo emanuele caminada europa fenomenologia francesca de vecchi Francesca Forle Giacomo Costa Giovanni Piana guido cusinato Il Fatto quotidiano Immanuel Kant Jeanne Hersch John Searle libertà e giustizia martin heidegger Massimo Cacciari maurizio ferraris maurizio olivieri max scheler michele di francesco paolo di lucia paolo spinicci persona Phenomenology and Mind roberta de monticelli roberta guccinelli Roberta Sala roberto mordacci Shaun Gallagher Simone Weil stefano cardini Unione Europea università degli studi di milano università vita-salute san raffaele Università Vita-Salute San Raffalele Vincenzo Costa vittorio gallese Winter School Milano