Qualitative Social Ontology and “Common Surrounding World” (May 26, 16-18h) – Francesca De Vecchi

lunedì, 25 Maggio, 2020

Qualitative Social Ontology and “Common Surrounding World” – Phenomenological Insights for the Environment and its Crisis

E-workshop de Francesca De Vecchi (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele) dans le cadre du cycle «Conversations on values and value experience» organisé par Roberta de Monticelli, résidente chercheuse 2019-2020 de l’IEA de Paris.

Inscriptions: e-workshop en accès libre. Veuillez-vous inscrire pour chaque workshop via le formulaire situé ici. Un lien de connexion vous sera envoyé par e-mail quelques jours avant. Registration: these e-workshops are free access. Please register for each workshop. A link will be sent to you by e-mail a few days before.


I deal with the issue of the environmental crisis from the perspective of a phenomenologically embedded qualitative social ontology. The first point I make is that our environment is a «personal world», and not a «naturalistic world»: a world that is experienced in the «personalistic attitude» and as such is an ontologically qualitative world, in which both natural and social entities are given to us as essentially constituted by value-qualities, and not as merely material things. The second point I argue for is that our environment is also a «common-surrounding world» whose personal collectives are its essential correlate: «common-surrounding world» and personal collectives existentially depend on one another, and human persons, both individual and collective, are responsible for the existence of their environment and its entities. I apply the tools of phenomenological eidetics to the ideas of «personal world» and «common-surrounding world», and inquire into.

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