Phenomenology and Mind: download the Online Journal of the Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person (n. 2, 2012)

giovedì, 13 Settembre, 2012

The present, second issue of Phenomenology and Mind, Making the Social World: Social Ontology, Collective Intentionality, Normativity, collects a selection of some of the papers presented during the Spring School and the International Conference Making the Social World that took place on 7-9 June 2011 at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan (see: Making Social World Video) and was devoted to John R. Searle’s Making the Social World. The Structure of Human Civilization (2010).

The papers published in the present issue of Phenomenology and Mind were selected through a double blind review procedure.

The issue collects nineteen papers and it is structured in three sections corresponding to three topics:

Social Ontology;

Collective Intentionality and Social Cognition;

Normativity and Language.

We are very honoured to publish the paper by John R. Searle on Human Social Reality and Language in the present issue. We are also very pleased to publish two papers of three invited speakers of the School and Conference: Maurizio Ferraris’ paper on Perspectives of Documentality, and Amedeo G. Conte and Paolo Di Lucia’s paper on Adýnaton. Four Dichotomies for a Philosophy of Impossibility.

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