IV Italian Workshop of Analytic Ontology – Bergamo, June 17-18, 2010

martedì, 8 Giugno, 2010

Fourth Italian Workshop of Analytic Ontology

June 17-18, 2010
University of Bergamo, Italy
Department of Letters, Arts and Multimediality

Center for the Innovation and
Administration of Knowledge
University of Bergamo

Laboratory for Ontology
University of Turin

Chief organizer: Prof. Andrea Bottani, University of Bergamo

Final program

Thursday, June 17

Chair: Niccolò Guicciardini (University of Bergamo)

9.00-9.50 Massimo Mugnai (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Leibniz, il paradosso di Bradley e la prospettiva mereologica
[Leibniz, Bradley’s Paradox, and the Mereological Perspective]

9.50-10.40 Arianna Betti (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
Bolzano, il regresso di Bradley e la prospettiva mereologica
[Bolzano, Bradley’s Regress, and the Mereological Perspective]

10.40-11.10 Coffee Break

11.10-12.00 Giovanni Ventimiglia (University Campus, Lugano)
La questione dell’essere nel tomismo analitico
[The Question of Being in Analytic Thomism]

12.00-12.50 Enrico Berti (University of Padua)
La critica degli analitici alla concezione tomistica dell’essere
[The Analytic Philosophers’ Criticism of the Thomist Conception of Being]

Lunch break

Chair: Maddalena Bonelli (University of Bergamo)

14.30-15.20 Francesco Berto (Universities of Aberdeen and Venice-Ca’Foscari)
Incontri ravvicinati (con inesistenti) del terzo tipo
[Close Encounters (with Nonexistents) of the Third Kind]

15.20-16.10 Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin)
Sincretismo esistenziale
[Existential Synchretism]

16.10-16.40 Coffee Break

16.40-17.30 Giuliano Torrengo (University of Turin)
Esistere ed essere esistito
[To Exist and to Have Existed]

17.30-18.20 Massimiliano Carrara (University of Padua)
Sull’adeguatezza logica dei criteri di identit�
[On the Logical Adequacy of Identity Criteria]

Friday, June 18

Chair: Alfredo Paternoster (University of Bergamo)

09.00-09.50 Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin)
Intenzionalità e documentalit�
[Intentionality and Documentality]

09.50-10.40 Tiziana Andina (University of Turin)
Il mondo dell’arte come istituzione sociale
[The World of Art as a Social Institution]

10.40-11.10 Coffee break

11.10-12.00 Carola Barbero (University of Turin)
La costruzione della realtà fittizia
[The Construction of Fictional Reality]

12.00-12.50 Paolo di Lucia (University of Milan)
Il nullo e il Nulla: alle radici dell’ontologia sociale
[The Null and the Nothing: at the Roots of Social Ontology]

Lunch break

Chair: Richard Davies (University of Bergamo)

14.30-15.20 Nicola Guarino (CNR, LOA Trento)
La distinzione ontologica fra beni e servizi
[The Ontological Distinction between Goods and Services]

15.20-16.10 Clotilde Calabi (University of Milan)
Eppur si muove
[And Yet It Moves]

16.10-16.40 Coffee break

16.40-17.30 Andrea Borghini (College of the Holy Cross) and Elena Casetta
(University of Turin)
Tratti, sessi e generi
[Traits, Sex and Genders]

17.30-18.20 Elisa Paganini (University of Milan)
Vaghezza ontologica (senza relativismo né scetticismo)
[Ontological Vagueness (With No Relativism or Skepticism)]

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