Call for Papers: “The Place of Values in a World of Norms”

lunedì, 18 Marzo, 2013

PERSONA, the Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person at Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (Italy) plans to publish the fifth issue of the Journal Phenomenology and Mind, on the topic:

The Place of Values in a World of Norms.

The fourth issue of the Journal, related to the Winter School 2013. Sense and Sensibility. Empirical and Philosophical Investigations on the Five Senses, which was held in Milan at Vita Salute San Raffaele University, is in print.

As for the fifth issue, we are proud to announce our Call for Papers.

Max Ferdinand Scheler was one of the most prolific German intellectuals of his time. His thinking touches on a huge variety of areas both within philosophy and in other related fields.

But, as Zahavi says: “Scheler’s strength as a phenomenological thinker is undoubtedly to be found in his concrete analyses – in particular in his analyses of emotional life and sociality” (Zahavi 2010).

We believe that Scheler’s reflection on these issues gives rise to questions that are still central for the contemporary debate and that need to be addressed for a better understanding of these topics. In this regard, our aim is to promote the reflection upon three main areas that can be fruitfully investigated in the light of Scheler’s thinking, either staying within it or going beyond it. The topics we would like to focus on are the following:

1) Values
a. What are values? How do we experience them?
b. Is there any kind of order of values? If so, how can we apprehend it?
c. Can our affective experience modulate our personal flourishing? What is its role in the constitution of the personal “ethos”?
d. Which is the relationship between “values” and “facts”? Can Scheler’s Value Theory be used to reformulate the is-ought question?

2) Emotions
a. What are emotions?
b. Are they intentional acts? If so, what are their intentional objects?
c. What difference, if any, can be found in the way we understand and perceive our own emotions and that of others?
d. What are fellow-feelings? Can they prove useful for a philosophical account of the social life?
e. Are there any differences between emotions and other affective states, such as sentiments or moods? Is there a “stratification of the emotional life”?
f. How can Scheler’s analysis of emotion prove useful for a Non-Formal Ethics of Values (Materiale Wertethik)?

3) Norms
a. What kind of objects are norms?
b. What is the relationship, if any, between norms, values and duties?
c. Can Scheler’s theory of value shed new light on the issue of normativity?

We welcome contributions on these – either one of them or a combination of more than one – and related topics.

Authors interested in presenting a paper are asked to submit articles, 22.000 characters max (spacing included) suitable for double blind review, by the May 15, 2013. Authors will also be asked to submit a separate sheet containing the name of the author(s), title of the submitted paper, the author’s affiliation (if any), and an abstract of 1.500 characters (spacing included).

Submitted papers, with the separate sheet containing author’s information, should be sent to by the May 15, 2013.

Notification of acceptance shall be emailed by September 10, 2013.

Contributing authors will then have until October 15, 2013 to revise their articles according to the referees’ suggestions.

For the Scientific Board of Phenomenology and Mind

Roberta De Monticelli
Francesca De Vecchi
Francesca Forlè
Sarah Songhorian

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