Call for Papers: Naturalism, the First Person Perspective and the Embodied Mind

giovedì, 12 Dicembre, 2013

The Research Centres PERSONA, CeSEP, CRESA and CRISI of the Faculty of Philosophy, San Raffaele University, Milan


San Raffaele Spring School of Philosophy (SRSSP 2014)
June 3-5, 2014

Faculty of Philosophy
San Raffaele University, Milan
Via Olgettina 58
20132 Milan


Lynne Baker’s Challenge: Metaphysical and Practical Approaches

“If there is an impersonal conception of the world that includes all the individuals and all their properties, then we have the ingredients of all facts about every individual. How, then, is there a place for the putative fact that some particular person is me?” (Lynne Baker, 2013)

“Intellectualism and empiricism do not give us any account of the human experience of the world: they tell us what God might think about it” (Maurice Merleau Ponty, 1945)

Speakers (provisional list)

Keynote Speaker
Lynne Baker, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Invited Speakers
Dermot Moran, Philosophy (Metaphysics and Logic), School of Philosophy, University College Dublin
Michael Pauen, Philosophy of Mind, Humboldt University and Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin
Rev. Katherine Sonderegger, Theology, Virginia Theological Seminary
Mario De Caro, Moral Philosophy, University of Roma Tre and Tufts University, Massachusetts
Massimo Reichlin, Applied and Philosophical Ethics, San Raffaele University, Milan
Michele Di Francesco, Philosophy of Mind, IUSS Pavia and San Raffaele University
Roberta De Monticelli, Philosophy of Personhood, San Raffaele University

Call for papers

We invite Graduate and PhD students as well as Post-docs to submit papers on any of the topics addressed by Lynne Baker (2013), Naturalism and the First Person Perspective, Oxford University Press. The accepted papers will be assigned to one of the following sections:

1. Metaphysics and Theology;
2. Mind and Language;
3. Phenomenology;
4. Normativity : Ethics, Political Theory, Social Ontology.
Abstracts (1500 words, references included, please specify section) must be submitted electronically using the EasyChair submission page at:

The creation of an EasyChair account will be required. Moreover, other forms of submission will not be considered.
The Deadline for submission is: February 20, 2014. Please make sure to prepare the abstact for double blind review and to avoid attaching further files to the submission form.
Notification of acceptance or refusal will be given by April 15, 2014. The accepted and presented papers will be subject to further evaluation for publication on the related issue of “Phenomenology and Mind”.

For further information about SRSSP 2014, please visit our website:
For any problems, please contact the organizers at:

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