Empathy, Community, and the State The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein – Dublin – 16 December

giovedì, 12 Dicembre, 2013

Empathy, Community, and the State
The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein

University College Dublin, School of Philosophy,
Newman House, 86 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, December 16, 2013

09.30–09.45 Opening Words
09.45–10.30 Mette Lebech (NUI Maynooth): The Constitution of Human Dignity. According to the Phenomenology of Edith Stein
10.30–11.15 Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (University of Marburg): Emotions and the Understanding of Intersubjectivity in Edith Stein’s Early Work
11.15–11.30 Coffee Break
11.30–12.15 James Jardine (University of Copenhagen/Columbia University, NY): Empathy, Solidarity, and Recognition
12.15–13.00 Joona Taipale (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen): The Melodic Presence of the Other: Phenomenological. Remarks on Empathy and Mental States
13.00–14.30 Lunch Break
14.30–15.15 Thomas Szanto (University of Vienna): Stein on Shared Experiences and Collective Empathy
15.15–16.00 Emanuele Caminada (University of Cologne): Do We Need a Bearer for Common Experiences? Husserl, Stein, and Walther on Phenomenological and Group Mind
16.00–16.15 Coffee Break
16.15–17.00 Tim Burns (University College Dublin/Loyola Marymount University, LA): Stein’s Contribution to the Debate over Intentionalism about Groups
17.00–17.45 Francesca De Vecchi (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan): Edith Stein’s Social Ontology of the State, the Law, and of Social Acts
17.45–18.15 Round Table Closing Session


For further information, visit the website: http://www.ucd.ie/philosophy/phenomenologyofsociality/event_stein_workshop.html

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