The fifth issue of Phenomenology and Mind, “The Place of Values in a World of Norms”, is now on-line!

martedì, 3 Dicembre, 2013


We are very glad to inform you that the current issue of Phenomenology and Mind. The Online Journal of the Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person, The Place of Values in a World of Norms, (Vol. 5) is now online at:

We would like to thank all the contributors to the issue for their work and we hope you all will enjoy the final result!


The papers collected in this number of Phenomenology and Mind aim at analyzing Max Scheler’s work and understanding to what extent his reflection can be useful to current debates – in particular as far as values, emotions, and norms are concerned.

Max Ferdinand Scheler (Munich, 1874 – Frankfurt, 1928) was one of the most prolific German intellectuals of his time and a pioneer in phenomenology. His thinking touches on a huge variety of areas, both within philosophy and in other related fields, and it gives rise to a variety of questions that have been and are still central in different domains.

In deciding which domains within his extensive work we wanted to focus on, we were enlightened by Zahavi’s reflections (Zahavi 2010).

“Scheler’s strength as a phenomenological thinker is undoubtedly to be found in his concrete analyses – in particular in his analyses of emotional life and sociality” (Zahavi 2010, p. 175).

Taking seriously this insight, we focused on three particular aspects of his thought. We never thought of them as being exhaustive as far as Scheler’s work is concerned, but we thought they might be particularly interesting both because of Scheler’s contribution per se and because of his possible relevance in contemporary debates.

The three domains we wanted to focus on are: emotions, values, and norms. According to this distinction, we invited our contributors to focus on one of these domains.

[from the Introduction]

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