Call for Papers – Philosophy and the Future of Europe

giovedì, 4 Dicembre, 2014

Philosophy and the future of Europe – Call for papers

Phenomenology and Mind. The Online Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy, San Raffaele University



Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2015.
Publication of the issue: July, 2015.

Advisory Editors:
Andrea Tagliapietra, Diego Fusaro (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, CRISI)
Roberta Sala (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, CeSEP)
Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2015.

Call for papers:

The journal Phenomenology and Mind is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its next issue, edited by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the History of Ideas (Centro di Ricerche Interdisciplinari di Storia delle Idee – CRISI) and by the Center for the Study of Public Ethics (Centro per lo Studio dell’Etica Pubblica – CeSEP), which will be dedicated to the theme “Philosophy and the future of Europe”. At a time of deep crisis for Europe, it has become increasingly important to reflect on the relationship between philosophy and Europe, not only to bridge the gap between the holy temple of academic thinking and the mundane realm of politics, but also to evaluate the role philosophy can play in the difficult task of assessing the nature and the scope of Europe’s problems and dilemmas. Indeed, in the past decades great efforts have been dedicated to the deepening of the legal integration of Europe, culminated with the creation of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). While the Maastricht Treaty established the European Union under its current name in 1993, the latest major amendment to the constitutional basis of the EU, the Treaty of Lisbon, came into force in 2009. However, as this process unfolded at a rapid pace, the attention of the political discourse has been mostly caught by the challenges posed by a number of technical and economical questions, with little or no attention being dedicated to a deeper debate on the peculiar character of the European culture and Europe’s political identity: what Husserl, at the beginning of the 20th century, referred to as ‘the idea’ and the ‘telos’ of Europe. The next issue of ‘Phenomenology and Mind’ is addressing this fundamental theme and will be organised along four and interconnected thematic sections, each of them dedicated to a specific question:

  1. Constitutional foundations of Europe. Why and which Europe? A supranational democracy, a federation of nations, an intergovernmental organism? To what extent does the idea of Europe find its realisation in today’s European institutions?
  2. Rights and economy: a multifaceted problem. Most influential economists deny that an economic union can really function without a political union (and a single finance minister); some suggest to give up a single currency. To what extent are the rights affirmed in the foundational documents – including welfare – taken into account within such discussions?
  3. Geopolitics: Europe’s voice in the world. What kind of political influence will – and can – Europe exert in the world and by which means? Could the EU play an autonomous role at a global level of governance? How?
  4. The future: perspectives and ideals. Are the ends and values which gave rise to the EU after World War II still in the political agenda of its Parliament, Commission and Council? How can philosophy contribute to the renewed ideal perspective needed to promote active European citizenship?

Applicants are encouraged to critically examine one or more of these aspects, thereby reflecting on the role philosophy can play in framing and shaping the debate on the future of Europe. The journal will also welcome reviews of major relevant books on Europe and the European question.

Submission details:

Submissions for the Summer 2015 issue of Phenomenology and Mind should be sent to by February 28th, 2015. E-mails containing submissions should bear the title “PaM 7 submission.” Manuscripts are not to exceed 25,000 characters in length. For stylistic details, see Submissions must be prepared for double blind review. Manuscripts should not contain any identifying information and must be accompanied by a separate cover sheet containing the name of the author(s), title of the submitted paper, the author’s affiliation (if any) and contact information, and an abstract of no more than 500 characters. Notification of acceptance will be sent by mid April 2015.

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