The Archetype of Wisdom. A Phenomenological Research on the Greek Temple – Roberto Malvezzi

giovedì, 19 Luglio, 2018

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo qualche notizia su questo libro di Roberto Malvezzi, che ha avutro origine – o forse, una delle origini – da una conferenza che l’autore tenne qualche anno fa nel quadro dei nostri workshop fenomenologici. Roberto Malvezzi è architetto e dottore di ricerca in ingegneria, e la fenomenologia dell’esperienza spaziale anima le sue ricerche e i suoi progetti: siamo orgogliosi per lui che anche l’Europa con Horizon 2020 se ne sia accorta, promuovendo un suo progetto in collaborazione con il CNR. Congratulazioni!!!




Presentazione dell’autore

Roberto Malvezzi (Italy, 1977) is an architect and PhD in civil engineering, with a solid background in humanistic studies. He is active in the fields of urban design and regeneration, involving also issues such as development processes and systemic innovation. He found in the phenomenological tradition a place where to merge his interests for science and humanities; since then, he considers his profession as a sort of applied research, and committed himself to investigate the theme of space in architecture and urbanism through the interpretative keys of phenomenology.


Presentazione del libro

This book analyzes the rise of the earliest Greek temples through an innovative phenomenological approach, in which lived experiences are assumed as key tools of investigation. Accordingly, much space is dedicated to exploring the connections that tied the Greeks to their surroundings environment, by surviving records of Greek religion, poetry, art, philosophy and architecture from the archaic times. This framework sheds a new light on the relationship between ‘human’ and ‘divine’ in the ancient Greek world, suggesting that the archetypal structure of temple was devised to facilitate a particular kind of experience, that of the Divine. Such an experience produced a break from ordinary and profane life, allowing a special awareness to be gained. The findings and method of this book enable us to bridge the gap between our present days and that distant era, rediscovering our ancient past as an endless source of inspiration.



“It is difficult to find a symbol that is able to represent Greek culture better than its temples. In addition, the Greek temple is exemplary for the simplicity of its architectural form – think, by comparison, about the complexity of an ancient Indian temple – and for the vast range of meanings of which its shape carries. Nonetheless, while a lot has been said and written about regarding architectural form, perhaps there is a lot less research concerning the content of the ideas that are at its origin. Perhaps I should rather say, the expression ‘content of ideas’ might not be too suitable, because it seems to be alluding to philosophical abstractions: we should be rather talking about the ‘life experiences’ of the Greek man that are adding on to and gathering together the constructive structure of the temple. This book takes on this remarkable and rare responsibility, by accomplishing this task with clarity and great acumen.” (From the preface of Giovanni Piana)


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