CFP: HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies

domenica, 16 Dicembre, 2018

Beyond the Self: Crisis of Disembodied and Individualistic Paradigms (December 2019)

Ethical, social and political analyses debate whether there are grounds for the reconstruction of the notion of self: the main focus is the broad discontent with the individualist tradition where the rational agent, or independent self, is considered the fundamental atom of social life (M. Nussbaum, 2001; J. Butler, 2005; M. Slote, 2007). Considering the new understandings of dynamic and distributed processing in our brain, several relevant philosophers of sciences (A. Clark, 2008; G. Colombetti, 2014; T. Fuchs, 2017), psychologists (M. L. Hoffman, 2000; K. Gergen, 2009) and neuroscientists (A. Damasio, 1994; V. Gallese, 2001; L. Pessoa, 2013) are exploring a similar topic, criticizing a disembodied view of the self. Discussing some crucial points for the definition of a “relational being”, as empathy, emotions, the integration of mental processes in body, actions and social interactions, as well as overcoming a clear distinction between affective/cognitive information, is, nowadays, one of the most widespread challenges in these fields of research.

The issue will contain a selection of invited contributions by prominent scholars in the philosophical debate: Michael Slote (University of Miami), Giovanna Colombetti (University of Exeter), Massimo Marraffa (Roma Tre University), Federico Squarcini (CaFoscari University of Venice), Francesca De Vecchi (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan), Laura Galbusera (Technische Universität Berlin), Petr Urban (Czech Academy of Science), Federica Buongiorno (Technische Universität Dresden).

Humana.Mente encourages all interested contributors to submit papers that investigate the challenges and opportunities of an embodied concept of subjectivity, related to the following areas:

– phenomenology

– philosophy of mind

– psychology and psychotherapy

– ethics

– political and social philosophy

Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2019

Click here for more details



Emotions. From cases to theories (June 2019)

Today emotions are a critical topic in several branches of contemporary philosophical debate. Emotions are supposed to play a crucial role in our life, with an impact on our interactions with the environment, on our choices, and values. Despite virtually all philosophers agree on their relevance, emotions are understood in a broad variety of philosophical perspectives. The core idea of the special issue is to show how different theoretical frameworks on emotions influence the philosophical analysis of a specific emotion. The purpose of this project is to collect relevant studies, facilitating interaction between different perspectives, via the focus on single emotions.

The issue will contain a selection of invited contributions by prominent scholars in the philosophical debate: A. Ben-Ze’ev (Haifa University), Alessandra Fussi (University of Pisa), Lorenzo Greco (University of Oxford), Larry Herzberg (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh), Victoria McGeer (Center for Human Values, Princeton), Elena Pulcini (University of Firenze), Jacqueline Taylor (University of San Francisco), Marco Tedeschini (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Maria Silvia Vaccarezza (University of Genoa).

Humana.Mente encourages all interested contributors to submit papers that are focused on a single emotion, related to the following areas:

– theories of emotions

– philosophy of mind

– epistemology of emotions

– ethics

– political and social philosophy.

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2019

Click here for more details



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