Workshop Phenomenology Today – Ali Yousefi Heris – April 29th, 2021

lunedì, 26 Aprile, 2021

Workshop Phenomenology Today

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

PERSONA – Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person



Folk and Scientific Emotion Categories

Ali Yousefi Heris 

(School of Cognitive Science Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences – IPM)


According to the basic emotion theory (BET), certain emotions are orga-nized into discrete categories that exist in nature (mind or brain) independent of our conceptual framework. It has recently been argued that the BET view has outlived its scientific value and that the classificatory scheme of contemporary affective science, with its traditional or folk categories, is no longer suitable to the needs of affective science (Barrett, 2006; Scarantino, 2012). While I agree with Barrett and Scarantino that theoretically homo-geneous categories are essential for the epistemic aims of scientists, I do not think that the body of evidence they present demonstrates the failure of the traditional emotion categories, at least not the way the critics think it does. To assess these claims, I will first review Barrett and Scarantino’s case against BET. Next, drawing on a distinction between two different senses of folk psychology, I argue that the evidence only undermines the folk’s platitude understanding of emotions. Following that, I will go over some evidence about the underlying causal mechanisms of basic emotions, which, in conjunction with my previous point, strengthens the case for an HPC-style account of traditional emotion categories.


Thursday, April 29th 2021, 2.00 – 4.00 pm (CEST)


The seminar will take place on Microsoft Teams and is open to anyone interested. In order to receive the link to access the virtual room of the seminar, you are kindly asked to register by writing to


Scientific Direction: 

Francesca De Vecchi, Vincenzo Costa, Francesca Forlè, Roberta De Monticelli



Nicole Miglio, Marco di Feo


Next seminars:

– Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 2.00 – 4.00 pm (CEST)
Luca Vanzago (UniPV), L’esperienza del dolore. Modelli filosofici a confronto
Seminario didattico della Facoltà di Filosofia, UniSR

– Wednesday, May 26th 2021, 9.00 – 11.00 am (CEST)
Emanuele Caminada (KU Leuven), I mondi della vita – Husserl e Lévy-Bruhl

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