Mind, Language, and the First-Person Perspective

lunedì, 27 Settembre, 2021

Read here the full description of the topics: https://www.unisr.it/ricerca/public-engagement/spring-school-philosophy-srssp/srsp-2021

2021 San Raffaele School of Philosophy

organized within the

“The Mark of the Mental” PRIN Project

September 28-30, 2021

​Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Palazzo Arese-Borromeo – Aula 7

Via Borromeo 41, 20811 Cesano Maderno MB, Italy


(P: in-person, O: online)

September 28, 2021

 9:30am-6:50pm (GMT+2)

9:30-10am: Roberto Mordacci (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University), Opening

Chair: Elisabetta Sacchi (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)

10-11am: Michelle Montague (University of Texas at Austin), “Rethinking the Attitudes”, P

11-11:40am: Coffee Break

11:40-12:20am: Sam Coleman (University of Hertfordshire), “Intentionality, Qualia, and the Stream of Unconsciousness”, P

12:25am-1:05pm: Brian Ball (New College of the Humanities, London), “Intentionality, Point of View, and the Role of the Interpreter”, O

1:05-3pm: Lunch 

Chair: Claudia Bianchi (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)

3-4pm: Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers University), “From Point of View to Perspective”, O

4-4:40pm: Coffee Break 

4:40-5:20pm: Simone Nota (Trinity College Dublin), “Wittgenstein’s Transcendental Thought Experiment in Ethics”, P

5:25-6:05pm: Nadja-Mira Yolcu (University of Mannheim), “Vindicating Avowal Expressivism: A Note on Rosenthal’s Performance-Conditional Equivalence Thesis”, O

6:10-6:50pm: Maik Niemeck (Marburg University), “Two Problems with Shoemaker’s Regress and How to Deal with Them”, O

September 29, 2021

10:00am-6:50pm (GMT+2)

Chair: Bianca Cepollaro (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)

10-11am: Galen Strawson (University of Texas at Austin), “Internal and External Content: a New Alignment”, P

11-11:40pm: Coffee Break

11:40-12:20am: Niccolò Aimone Pisano (University of St. Andrews), “Are Higher-Level Marks of the Cognitive Feasible?”, O

12:25-1:05pm: Jakub Mihalik (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy/University of Hertfordshire), “Inner Awareness as a Mark of the Mental”, O

1:05-3pm: Lunch 

Chair: Roberta De Monticelli (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)

3-4pm: Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen), “Is Perception Intentional?”, P

4-4:40pm: Coffee Break 

4:40-5:20pm: Federico Zilio (University of Padua), “A Ghost in the Shell? A Sartrean Insight into the Notion of Consciousness as Embodied-being-in-the-world”, P

5:25-6:05pm: Daniel Kim (University of York), “Naïve Realism and Minimal Self”, O

6:10am-6:50pm: Max Minden Ribeiro (Lund University), “Is Presence Perceptual?”, P

September 30, 2021

9:30am-1:10pm (GMT+2)

Chair: Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin)

9:30-10:30am: Katalin Farkas (Central European University), “Privileged Accessibility as the Mark of the Mental”, O

10.30-11:am: Coffee Break 

11-11:40am: Alex Grzankowski (Birkbeck, University of London) & Tim Crane (Central European University), “The Significance of the Many Property Problem”, O

11:45-12:25am: Giulia Martina (University of Turin), “Phenomenally-Grounded Intentionality for Naïve Realists”, O

12:30-1:10pm: Andrea Tortoreto (University of Turin), “Does the Idea that Intentionality is the MOM Necessarily Entail Dualism?”, P


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