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Filosofia sui Navigli: Roberta De Monticelli terrà l’ultimo incontro del ciclo dedicato a Jeanne Hersch

venerdì, 4 Giugno, 2010

Filosofia sui Navigli Domenica 6 giugno 2010 – ore 10.15 Ultima conferenza del ciclo su Jeanne Hersch in occasione del centesimo anniversario della nascita. Roberta De Monticelli (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele) “Jeanne Hersch: la colpa e la pena. Una riflessione su diritto e giustizia”. Ristorante El Brellin Vicolo dei Lavandai presso l’Alzaia del Naviglio Grande di…

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DISCOS 2010 Summer School and International Conference

mercoledì, 21 Aprile, 2010

“Intersubjectivity and the Self” Budapest, Hungary June 15-19, 2010 The “Disorders and Coherence of the Embodied Self” (DISCOS) Marie-Curie Research Training Network organizes a Conference where issues regarding intersubjectivity, the self and the disturbances of self-awareness will be discussed from an interdisciplinary perspective. MAIN SPEAKERS Developmental Science  Renée Baillargeon, Hannes Rakoczy, György Gergely Neuroscience Julie…

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International Summer School in Affective Sciences – ISSAS 2010

lunedì, 5 Aprile, 2010

August 23, 2010 – September 1, 2010 Chateau de Bossey – Switzerland The Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (SCAS) in collaboration with the ESF ECRP project “Emotion regulation” organizes a Summer School aimed at researchers (PhD and PostDoc) working on affective phenomena from various perspectives. Core Theme: “Emotion Regulation and Management”. The Program includes plenary lectures…

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Personhood e Personality: i due volti dell’idea di persona (Casa Rosmini, Rovereto)

venerdì, 12 Marzo, 2010

Lunedì 15 marzo, ore 17,30, a Casa Rosmini – Sala degli Specchi, Corso Rosmini, 28 (Rovereto), Roberta De Monticelli terrà una Prolusione su Personhood e Personality. Scarica la locandina e il testo della prolusione in formato Pdf.

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Berlin School of Mind and Brain – Distinguished Lecture Series

domenica, 21 Febbraio, 2010

Dan Zahavi  (University of Copenhagen – Center for Subjectivity Research) March 25, 2010 – 18.30-20.00 “Shame and the exposed Self”   José L. Bermúdez  (Washington University in St. Louis) March 29, 2010 – 18.30-20-00 “Decision theory: Psychology and norms”   The events will take place at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Luisenstraße 56, Haus…

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Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l’Action

lunedì, 7 Dicembre, 2009

Pubblicazioni Segnaliamo le pubblicazioni del “Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception e de l’Action” di Parigi, istituto di ricerca di orientamento pluridisciplinare che, attraverso l’applicazione a diversi livelli di differenti metodologie, si propone di indagare le basi neurali di processi cognitivi quali percezione, azione, attenzione e memoria. Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de…

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Workshop “Feeling of Confidence: Experiments and Current Models”

lunedì, 7 Dicembre, 2009

Institut Jean Nicod – Ateliers Paris, ENS, December 10-11 2009 In the context of the ANR CONFIDENCE Thursday – December 10th Metacognition and Psychopathology Speakers: Danny Koren, Nicolas Bruno & Elisabeth Pacherie, Ilan Yaniv, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst  & Maria Kaliuzhna, Tiziana Zalla. Friday – December 11th Metacognition, Agency and Consciousness Speakers: Jérome Sackur, Valerie…

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Berlin Brain Days

lunedì, 7 Dicembre, 2009

December 9-11, 2009 To organize the Berlin Brain Days, seven neuroscience Ph.D. training programs in Berlin are joining forces. The number of neuroscience Ph.D. training programs in Berlin has grown rapidly, and so has the number of Ph.D. students working in the many neuroscience research groups. To foster exchange and interaction between neuroscience faculty and…

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Toward a Science of Consciousness

mercoledì, 7 Ottobre, 2009
Toward a Science of Consciousness

  CENTER FOR CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES   University of Tucson- Arizona April 13-17, 2010  First Announcement and Call for Abstracts, Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals Sponsored by: The Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona The ninth biennial Tucson conference Toward a Science of Consciousness will take place April 13-17, 2010 at the Tucson…

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Fra illusione e previsione: il ruolo del cervello nella costruzione della mente

giovedì, 24 Settembre, 2009

FRITH Chris, Making up the Mind. How the Brain Creates our Mental World, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2007, pb. pp. 248, euro 19,20, hb. pp. 248, euro 63,00; trad. it., Inventare la mente. Come il cervello crea la nostra vita mentale, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2009, pp. 280, euro 24,00. Con il testo di cui è recentemente apparsa…

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logia-sociale-2/">Ontologia Sociale

concept cloud

Altiero Spinelli Andrea Zhok bianca bellini Canone Europeo dan zahavi edith stein edmund husserl elena cattaneo emanuele caminada europa fenomenologia francesca de vecchi Francesca Forle Giacomo Costa Giovanni Piana guido cusinato Il Fatto quotidiano Immanuel Kant Jeanne Hersch John Searle libertà e giustizia martin heidegger Massimo Cacciari maurizio ferraris maurizio olivieri max scheler michele di francesco paolo di lucia paolo spinicci persona Phenomenology and Mind roberta de monticelli roberta guccinelli Roberta Sala roberto mordacci Shaun Gallagher Simone Weil stefano cardini Unione Europea università degli studi di milano università vita-salute san raffaele Università Vita-Salute San Raffalele Vincenzo Costa vittorio gallese Winter School Milano